What to Bring to a Sushi Restaurant

Your BYOB Sushi Guide

Chicago is home to several BYOB sushi restaurants. However, many people are stumped when deciding what to bring. Sushi is a delicious and versatile dish that can be paired with a variety of wines. Below are a few suggestions for what to bring to a BYOB sushi restaurant. After you select what you want to bring, check out our list of BYOB sushi restaurants in Chicago!

Light-bodied White Wines

Light-bodied white wines, such as Albarino, Chablis or Gavi, are a great choice for sushi. These wines have refreshing acidity and citrusy flavors that can cut through the richness of the fish and rice.

Medium-bodied White Wines

Medium-bodied white wines like Chardonnay, especially White Burgundy, and dry Riesling work extremely well with a variety of raw fish without overpowering the food.

Sparkling Wines

Sparkling wines, such as Champagne or Prosecco, are also a great choice for sushi. The bubbles in these wines help to cleanse the palate and make it easier to enjoy the different flavors of the sushi.

Rosé Wines

Rosés are a good choice for sushi if you're looking for something with a bit more body and flavor than a light-bodied white wine. Rosé wines have fruity flavors that can complement the seafood in the sushi.

Red Wines 

Red wines can also be paired with sushi, but it's important to choose a light-bodied red wine with low tannins. Look for a light Pinot Noir that is low in alcohol (ideally < 13.5%) or Gamay. Red wines with high tannins can be too overpowering for the delicate flavors of the sushi.


In general, reach for a dry Junmai style sake. A Junmai Ginjoshu sake is a well rounded style with crisp acidity and not too overpowering compared to the fish. Typically, you want to avoid the stronger Honzojoshu sakes, which have added alcohol - although these can make for a delicious after dinner treat.


Similar to wine, crisp, light beers work well with sushi. Go for a Pilsner or Kolsch style. You can also step it up a bit and reach for a Hefeweizen or a Belgian Style Farmhouse Ale/Saison. Breweries are doing all kinds of fun things with their beers. Look for fun ingredients in beers that complement the sushi like cucumber, yuzu, or even pineapple. My favorite beer for sushi is Off Brewing's Yuzu Fierce.


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