What to Bring to a Pizza Restaurant

Your BYOB Pizza Guide

Pizza and drinks: a match made in heaven. But what is the perfect pairing? Beer or Wine? Fortunately there isn't a wrong answer. Beer lovers argue that the carbonation in beer helps to cut through the richness of the pizza, while the bitterness of the hops helps to balance out the sweetness of the tomato sauce. They also point out that there are a wide variety of beers that can be paired with pizza, from light and refreshing lagers to dark and robust stouts.

Meanwhile, wine lovers argue that the acidity in wine helps to cleanse the palate between bites of pizza, while the fruitiness of the wine complements the flavors of the toppings. Similar to beer, many different types of wines can be paired with pizza, from light and crisp whites to full-bodied reds.

But to really make the best pairing, it comes down to what type of pizza you are having and what the setting is. Read below for some great pairing suggestions for both.  After you select what you want to bring, check out our list of BYOB Pizza restaurants in Chicago!

Beer Pairings with Pizza

Beer is a versatile drink that can be paired with a variety of pizzas. Lighter beers, such as lagers and pilsners, can be a good match for simple pizzas with few toppings. Hoppier beers, such as IPAs and pale ales, can go well with pizzas with more complex flavors. Darker beers, such as porters and stouts, can be a good match for pizzas with meat toppings.

Here are some specific beer pairings for different kinds of pizzas:

Wine Pairings with Pizza

Wine can also be a good choice to pair with pizza. White wines, such as Pinot Grigio and Chardonnay, can be a good match for pizzas with light flavors. Red wines, such as Sangiovese and Merlot, can go well with pizzas with more complex flavors. Sparkling wines can also be a good choice, especially for pizzas with seafood toppings.

Here are some specific wine pairings for different kinds of pizzas:


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